Jahkeem Wilson



About Jahkeem Wilson

Dropped out of school then made his own school

All started when he found out he was able to fulfill his passion for trading in the financial markets, something Forex Professor aspired to do from a very tender age but never had the “Know-How” or the “whereabouts”. One day he was browsing on the internet as a depressed college student, ” how to make money legally online” as the incident came back to him when he first saw Investopedia stock simulator game that he started with $10,000 and turned it into $100,000 by just buying and selling random stocks. He said to himself, “there must be a way to do this legally”. Thats how he found out about forex trading. Fast forward to 3 years after finding the “know how” he has decided to empower, encourage & inspire individuals who have that common interest of gaining financial freedom trading in the forex market.

  • Technical Analysis
  • Fundamental Analysis
  • Money Management
  • Risk management
  • Mindfulness